Dr Vikas Amte

Dr Vikas Amte, medical doctor and social worker, heads the Maharogi Sewa Samiti, Warora, (MSS) a pioneering institution and an apex non-governmental referral centre for people afflicted with leprosy. The organisation is headquartered at Anandwan in Chandrapur district of Maharashtra. MSS was established in 1949 by his father, Muralidhar Devidas alias Baba Amte with the basic objective of treating and rehabilitating leprosy patients and giving them a life with dignity and self-respect through productive work.

Dr Amte is an innovative scientist by knowledge, a creative researcher by need, a developed environmental entrepreneur by trade, a liberated management executive by profession, a genuine financier by intelligence, a sincere social worker by roots, and a learned physician by education. He would have liked to become an engineer, but seeing the need for a doctor at Anandwan, he studied medicine.