Population Foundation of India

Founded in 1970 by the late JRD Tata, Population Foundation of India is a leading NGO in the fields of population dynamics, gender equity, and sexual and reproductive health (SRH). It addresses population issues within the context of empowering women, men, and young people, enabling them to make informed decisions about their fertility, health, and well-being. The organization’s approaches include strategic engagement with policymakers, media, and other key stakeholders; knowledge generation and dissemination; leveraging technology; scaling up pilot projects; and social and behavior change communication. Population Foundation of India also collaborates closely with and provides technical support to both national and state governments, as well as other NGOs.

Our Impact


Government officials capacitated in areas  such as Family Planning, Community Action for Health, among others


Young people reached through online campaigns/ programmes & grassroot interventions


Engagements achieved through
our edutainment & digital media initiatives

Areas of work

Adolescent Health and Wellbeing

Prioritising the sexual and reproductive health, wellness, and online safety needs of adolescents and youth in our programs, and national and state policies.

Women Empowerment

Fostering a gender-equal society by empowering girls and young women to take control of their sexual and reproductive needs.

Sexual and Reproductive Health

Empowering adolescents, youth, and women to exercise bodily autonomy and choice in matters concerning their health by improving awareness and access to SRH services.

Family Planning

Advocating for access to safe, affordable, and effective family planning services for all individuals through a rights-based and gender-sensitive lens.


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Success Stories

Over the last 50 years, Population Foundation of India has partnered with policy makers, donors, NGOs and communities to deliver for health and community wellbeing.

Our Partners